Cold and Hot

It’s been snowing the past few days – nuisance snow for the most part. Everyone at school has been complaining, but I am fine with it. Warm, beautiful weather makes kids NUTS to be anywhere but in school, so cold and snow are fine.

I haven’t been in the hot tub since we got home because my blood pressure had been ridiculously high and it didn’t seem the thing to do. After having a middle of the night meltdown last night – imagining my head would just explode like that little emoji with the puff of smoke coming out of his head – I sent the doctor a message that I really needed more/different/better medication (it is as close as I have ever come to drunk texting). Never wake up from a bad dream (even one with a relation to reality and message your doctor. It comes off kinda crazy) BUT I got some additional meds and my blood pressure is pretty good tonight. So, we went in the hot tub. It was snowing a little (the little blur in the picture is a snow) and it was very nice.

Now we have to watch some TV (Picard, in case you were wondering) and cool down before bedtime.