Como Park Pavilion

Mississippi River Brass Band played their first concert of 2022 this afternoon. It was an absolutely perfect day – a few clouds, low humidity, warm but not hot. I remembered to let Alexander know it was happening yesterday, when another band member’s wife said her family was coming from Eau Claire to hear the band and asked if my family was coming. I said my sister had had to cancel. She asked about the boys…and I went right ahead and let Alexander know about it. Yay.

In the middle of the first piece, I got a text (and realized I hadn’t turned the bzzz off on my phone).

“Hmm, I seem to have accidentally ended up on the wrong side of the lake from the band. They sound nice over here, though.”

How delightful. He came. 🙂

We exchanged several texts through the concert (it was a park concert. I decided some texts were allowed. Also, Alexander is hilarious and clever and his texts are great fun). What is super interesting about this is that Alexander would neeeeeeever even whisper during a concert or a movie. If I lean over during an event and say (whisper!) something, he just gives me the angry eyebrows and lets me know I am being inappropriate (I am! I know. I don’t do it a lot. And I’m being super quiet. But still, at least one angry eyebrow). Texting during an outdoor concert was surprisingly acceptable.

The audience was tasked with identifying the songs in the Beatles medley. I texted, “Name that tune?” He responded, “Harold. I name it Harold.”

The conductor launched into a long story introduction, and I got, “Play a sooooooong.”

I said, “Take Daddy’s picture,” because I was seated and he was standing in the back (after walking around the lake). I got the Picture of the Day – Keith playing the Tritsch-Tratsch Polka (the computer says Tratsch is spelled wrong, but Tritsch is okay. Huh).

2 thoughts on “Como Park Pavilion”

  1. My cousin Barb (not Barbara) posted about this fantastic concert on FB. I recognized Keith in her photo. (Hint: If someone in the area posts a photo about a fantastic concert, ALWAYS LOOK FOR KEITH!). We’ve been texting back and forth about it for a few days. Here’s a summary.

    Barb: I want to play like Keith.
    Me: Yup.

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