
Friday, May 26, 2023

Several years ago, Washington County started offering food composting. We had a compost bin in our backyard for plant stuff, but this new opportunity included meat and bones and stuff that just does not compost in your backyard. It is so cool. We pick up free green bags and keep one in the freezer in the kitchen (until it’s full, when we store it in the chest freezer). We put everything into it during the winter (when our backyard is up to our eyeballs in snow) and everything but the fruit and veggies extras during the summer. We have to take the bags to one of several sites – a couple miles one way or the other – when we feel like it…about once/month.

A lot of weeks we don’t even put our regular garbage can out for collection. There is nothing smelly in it, so that’s a win. We try to reuse, reduce, and recycle the best that we can, so we haven’t been ending up with much garbage. Yay! Win! Check out your local composting opportunities – it’s really great.

2 thoughts on “Compost”

  1. What a great thing! We’ll have to see if we have that in Leelanau County.

    1. I hope they have it. If not, maybe ask about it starting. The ball may roll slowly, but a start is a start

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