Conversations I had today

I always play little games (everything CAN be a game) every day at school to decide which student should take the attendance slip to the office (escaping the classroom is a major coup). Usually, since I am not in the same place, I just have them pick a number between….say…oh…2 and 2 billion. Or 5 and 11. Or 1 and 50. The number is always 8. Eight is my favorite number (symmetrical in two directions, you know). I usually tell one classroom of sixth graders that the number is always 8, so as they separate through middle school there is often someone in various classes that knows the answer – if they were listening, and if they remember (and then they are VERY proud). Since I have had the same kids for four days, I had to come up with a variety of questions. Today’s was how many United States states have I been to? It’s a good one, because for some reason, kids think it is easier to guess than guess a number between X and Y. (huh) They guessed with gusto…lots and lots of numbers. In each class someone guessed 3. Three. I am a very old person (to them) and somehow they thought I had only managed to get to three states. Each time, I stopped the barrage of guessing and asked which three states they thought I had visited. Minnesota (thankfully no one missed that), Wisconsin (pretty safe bet since we are about 10 miles away from WI)(Used in which state was I born the other day, so they could have known that one) and a variety of answers for the third one – Florida (and I didn’t even throw down any Disney stuff, so no insider on that), Hawaii, California all seemed good guesses, since they are vacation-y. The one that actually made me smile (I try really hard not to be judgey – it’s a funtivity) was Ohio. Imagine I’ve only been to three states and the one I flew to was Ohio. I asked why Ohio? Best answer ever – I don’t know, I’ve heard of it. When the actual answer of all 50 came out, they very enthusiastically told me that was ALL of them. One kid very sincerely asked, But how is that possible?! Another kid answered, “She drove!” “To Hawaii?” “Mmm, probably not. It’s really far.”

I love love love to do middle school math. Little puzzles to be solved, and helping the kids understand how to unlock those puzzles is so much fun. Not all subs are as interested or knowledgeable about math, so kids are occasionally left without someone to help them figure things out. I handed out a worksheet on exponents for kids to do after they finished their quiz. Kid came up and diplomatically asked, “Are you familiar with this?” I just found it an absolutely charming way of giving me an out.

Yesterday, I subbed for choir during my prep time, and I ended up having a student for advisory, science, and choir. This morning when she came to math, she announced to everyone, “Teacher and I are besties. We like to spend all day together.” Someone else responded, “What’s her name?” “Well…I might know.” “It’s been written on the board for 4 days.” “I could have read that.” I suspect she will go far.

“Can I go to the bathroom?” “No.” “Can I go to my locker.” “Why?” “To get something.” “What?” “Something.” “No.” “Why won’t you let me go somewhere?” “Because I have a note that says not to let you out because you just roam around.” “My regular teacher knows that?” “Surprise!” “Wow.”

“Do you guys know who Elton John is?” “Yes.” “Yes.” “Is he a school shooter?” Super sad that the answer wasn’t just no.

I had a great day today. Today was one of those days that keeps me doing what I do. Then we went out for dinner (IN a restaurant – still super weird) with friends who wanted to hear more about Wales and they took our picture of the day – us wearing our new Elton John shirts. Mine has Elton on the back and the tour cities on the sleeve. It’s very cool.

6 thoughts on “Conversations I had today”

  1. I have always found that most days teaching are pretty darned good days. You just never know what’s coming, and most of the time the surprises are good.

  2. I was wondering what The E on your shirt was all about cause your name begins with B.

    “Is he a school shooter?” Was a great line from a kind. 🤔

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