COVID is Crap

Late last night I heard from my sister that she and her family wouldn’t be coming today, because her son’s roommates tested positive and out of an abundance of caution for us before our trip, they are keeping their distance.

COVID is crap.

That was mentioned several times during the conversation. I was so disappointed. I was on target to be ready. I already made tuna noodle salad for lunch, and I DUSTED their bedroom. I had a short list of things to work on before they arrived today, then I was ready. They would help with last minute things for the party on the 4th, but good times were gonna roll. Pool! Games! Doing nothing!

COVID is crap.

So, Keith went off to his 7 hour rehearsal and I did very, very (very) little. I did fun things, like taking the little bit of rain off the pool cover and putting it on flowers. I read a tiny bit. I fell asleep. I talked to both sisters on the phone. All my drive disappeared. Apparently, I only work under pressure (HAHAHAHAHA! Like we didn’t already know that). All of the things on the short list remained undone.

Keith came home and needed a nap. I supportively also took a nap. Mine was longer. We (that’s Keith, with me saying, “mmm.”) worked on figuring out when to start smoking meat for the party. I read the entire printout from the tour company about our trip. There was nothing new, but it was fun to imagine doing things that we will soon be doing. Now Keith is buying train tickets to Geneva, Switzerland for after the band part of the trip. Something is getting planned! WhooooooooHoooooooo.

2 thoughts on “COVID is Crap”

  1. Sorry to hear about your sister but can’t be too cautious.
    Party, trip and cruise will all be wonderful I’m sure. Xx

  2. Dang COVID…. Geneva – beautiful place! Barbara played a recital with Dan Newman there many years ago. We DROVE there from Munich, parked the car, then, after the few days of rehearsal and concert, drove back to Frankfurt. It was pretty fun…. Here’s hoping for clear skies so you can actually see the mountains!

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