Dance, Dance, Dance*

You know how your family has little sayings that no one else understands? We have a lot of those. A lot. Some are quotes from movies, some are quotes from 20-year-old internet cartoons, some I don’t remember where they came from. (The boys would know.) We also have a variety of good ideas, like building a bear, and a propensity to volunteer to do an interpretive dance to any variety of musical opportunities. These interpretive dances don’t usually happen, but we volunteer (at least to each other) (okay, only to each other). I have absolutely no idea where or when or why that started. (For the record, none of us has ever built a bear either.)

At brass band tonight (during Keith’s feature tune) (he was sounding just terrific, in case you were wondering), the conductor was running something with just the band while Keith waited, when suddenly he was struck with the desire to actually perform (in sort-of PUBLIC) an interpretive dance.


It was like we were the only two there. The band was playing, Keith was dancing, and no one was noticing but me. I laughed so hard. Everyone should laugh that hard as often as they can.

This concert sounds like it is going to be really good – lots of new (to me) music that I really like. I fixed the poster (subtly and carefully) and have added it for your information. You should come.

Click on the poster. I will take you to the theatre site to buy tickets.

*one of our family sayings

4 thoughts on “Dance, Dance, Dance*”

  1. Thinking about the bullets on Keith’s resume:

    – formerly of Microsoft
    – formerly of Cory Band

    There’s a pattern. 😀

  2. Here’s the important question…. Are you SURE you didn’t also hit the VIDEO button on your phone??? To see the entire dance would indeed be a treat! Just sayin’…..

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