
Sunday, September 8, 2024

Alexander attacked his backyard after work on Friday and worked a lot yesterday. He created some huge piles of unwanted vegetation. I went this morning to help while Keith played at church. I pulled one foot tall weeds (he got all the 5 foot kinda ones yesterday), while he attacked all the small trees and bushes that had volunteered to grow in his yard. It was definitely a grasshopper and black and brown fuzzy caterpillar sanctuary.

Keith came back about 11 and helped. We got it under control about 1:30, with three enormous SUV loads to the compost. We took the last bunch on our way home, so I was with Keith. I was watching all the men unload their various vehicles while Keith was pulling everything out of the back of ours. I noticed that they were all men, until a lady came and backed up next to us. She took a large black garbage bag out of the back of her vehicle with one hand. It was about 1/3 full. She dumped grass clippings. She took a second bag and repeated, then she drove away. That was a very cute amount of compost to bring in, comparatively. I’m glad all the people are composting!

2 thoughts on “Deforestation”

  1. Hmmmmm…. I wonder if Alexander can think of something inventive and unique to do with those clothesline thingies…. They are no longer clothesline thingies – only in appearance.

    1. Just as we were finishing yesterday, I wondered the same thing. I’ll let you know if anything happens 🙂

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