Diabetic Girl nearly destroyed by Movie

Tuesday, January 30, 2023

We finally went to see Wonka. Keith picked it and I went along.


I had very low expectations, even though I only heard good things from real people I know who have seen it. I don’t know why. I liked the original Gene Wilder movie. I liked the Johnny Depp movie. I like chocolate. I like all candy. I don’t have any reason, but I wasn’t interested in seeing it.

Boy, was I wrong. Timothee Chalamet was absolutely perfect for the role. Not since Alan Rickman as Snape has anyone been better cast. And he sings. And it’s lovely. I hadn’t thought about what the plot of the movie might be, but it was certainly different than anything I could have dreamt up. The tone was perfect – real, but entirely not real. The setting was perfect – real, but sometimes dazzling. All of the supporting cast were good – including the giraffe – and there were so many faces I recognized (one of the ghosts from Ghosts UK nearly drove me to distraction wondering WHO IS THAT GUY?).

The chocolate is what almost did me in. There was this delicious sounding crunch every time someone bit into a piece of Wonka chocolate – and that was often. It made me salivate. It made me want to eat treats until I was full. So many treats. Chocolate treats and non-chocolate treats. My doctor said my diabetes is under control and if I continued to eat like I had been eating, it should stay under control. I have been doing better than that – I had one box of Good and Plenty that I managed to make last three weeks and two Lindt truffles. I only had 1.5 custard tarts in Portugal (and they are small!) Anyway, after our low carb dinner, I indulged in a low carb (fake) chocolate treat before the movie, so I would already have had chocolate.

It didn’t work. I WANTED CHOCOLATE. Keith has been worried about my blood sugar as the next A1C test approaches in March, because he doesn’t want me to fall off the cliff in craziness again (FAIR) and he has been politely monitoring. I suggested we stop at Walgreens and look for Brach’s cherry jujube hearts. You can only get them before Valentine’s day (because they are sold out long before Valentine’s day) and I had thought of them during the movie. I promised to eat them very infrequently and cautiously. The website said they were in at the other Walgreens (after the first was out), so we tried. But alas, they were out, too. We got the cinnamon ones, which are good, but not the cherry ones. It’s probably for the best. Keith has them hidden, at my request, and I will have one every day. I can do that…because I don’t know where they are.

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