Didja know that there are 3.1 million people in Wales, and about 10 million sheep? In square miles, Minnesota is about ten times the size of Wales, and has just less than twice the population. I don’t know how many sheep we have; I don’t recall seeing any (but I wasn’t particularly looking)
Didja know I brought more than 100 band-aids with me? (I found three ziplock bags of them while organizing to pack.) Apparently, I was expecting to fall down more than I did. Win.
Didja know paper towel rolls here are much smaller than at home? I bought a 4 pack thinking it was toilet tissue. Holding it makes me feel like a giant.

Didja know that you can buy toilet tissue with little puppies embossed on it for not that much more money? (Keith walked away with the plain stuff, then had to come back because I was still standing there holding the stuff with puppies on it.) (Toilet tissue at the co-op is much more expensive than at home – it also comes in little rolls – no jumbo x3 rolls here.)

Didja know that every time we’ve gone to Rhondda Pizza and Kebab they have sent us home with extra free stuff? It’s usually enough make lunch the next day. Keith always enjoyed talking with them while he waited. Thanks, guys!
Didja know clothes dry really faster than you think they are going to?
Didja know our welcome to Wales flowers from Sheila and Steve have lasted our entire trip? Yay for beautiful carnations!
Didja know our countertop oven came weeks ago? It was after we got fired from the band (Sheila says I should say parted company. I think got fired sounds more exciting), so we didn’t know how long we would be here and thought perhaps it should be sent back. Also, we have zero (literally) cookware that could go into an oven and it seemed to make no sense to buy any, given our shortened residency. I could have used those two extra hobs (burners), but really, it was fun to cook in shifts and to try to be clever in making things work. We also stopped eating right and started eating out more, so we could experience as much Wales-ness as possible (I am entirely clear that three pizzas has nothing to do with Wales and it is just because I like pizza).

Didja know I got a new water bottle? You can find awesome things in Treorchy. It is one of them!

Didja figure out we didn’t do anything of note today? Nothing at all. Keith worked for slightly longer than 12 hours, we watched two episodes of the terrific show After Life on Netflix, and that was about it. I never left the house. It’s seems like a nothing day was due.
Clothes may dry really fast there but in southern FL….they never dry! Ever.
That does seem like it is the case. But, trade off – you get south Florida!
Unanswered: How did you finally figure out how to turn on your burners? (from the early post). And, did you decide to send the new cooktop back or ????? And…well a zillion things you mentioned but I forget just now what – but you are really really doing a great job with this blog. I hope you’ll keep it going for a while when you get home so we can hear about your fun readjusting.
The burners were locked and we had to hold the lock for about 15 seconds to unlock. Desperation led to trying that, I think. Neil’s dad came and picked up the stove today to send it back. I hadn’t thought about continuing – I suppose for a few days would make sense. Maybe I will just keep blogging my life. Blog for a year 🤣😂
Lovin’ the water bottle!
We were so excited to see it in the shop window!
A day of nothing in Wales is STILL fun!!! (Well, maybe Keith’s 12 hour work day wasn’t, but….)
He was really digging in to something, so he didn’t seem bummed. 🙂 He got an episode of our new show with lunch and dinner!
You brought a state-fair-bag-closer thing with you!!!
I brought several. They are the best. I thought about giving them to Neil as a going away thank you present, but thought he might think I was nuts. Amazon UK didn’t have them.
A little detail about Minnesota sheep: Farmers in Lincoln County in southwestern Minnesota raise sheep. There is very little market here for mutton or lamb; most of it ends up on the East Coast.
I love reading your blog.
Wow! I never saw this. We hadn’t figured out how to get notifications until about mid April – well after we were back home and I totally missed going back and checking in. Sorry! Thank you for reading and thank you for posting. Now I know about sheep in MN!