Monday, May 20, 2024
I worked in the media center last Friday. They are giving the classes that get all of their books returned by May 24 freezy pops as a reward. There were eight classes that had gotten them all in and we counted out the requisite number of pops and ribboned them together. The people who regularly work there said they needed to find someone who has a Sam’s membership to get more freezy pops. I jumped in and said I would be happy to get them over the weekend. And then I promptly forgot. Well, I forgot on Saturday because I was actually accomplishing things, and then dangling in the pool, and then going to a play. I remembered on Sunday, but they were not open before or after Doors Open, so, oh well. I thought about going during my one-hour break time today. I figured I could get there and back and do the shopping with time to spare. Then I completely panicked about NOT getting back in time and what a disaster that would be. I had 40 minutes from done with my last class and my haircut appointment. I could make that happen.
Of course, class went five minutes long because they could not get in a line, and we had to go back to tables and start over. I grabbed my stuff and hurried to the car. I had mapped the route from school to Sam’s (new to me) (Friday had been my first day ever at this school), then from Sam’s to the haircut. I checked the map so I actually knew where I was going, but plugged it in anyway, just to have the lady tell me in case I forgot. At the first major intersection, she did NOT say turn like the map had said. Mmmm. I went with it and went straight – onto a brand-new road (for me) (known as the void in our family). I drove and drove and wondered how this could possibly be a better way. It was very convoluted, but I made it. (turn, turn, turn, turn, turn, ding, you are here). I found the freezy pops really quickly, which was a miracle, because I didn’t even know where to start looking for them. Win! I went to the counter and told the woman that I had never checked out there before because I always use the self checkout on my phone, but today I needed a receipt. (I instantly thought of a cover story about why I needed a receipt in case she said I couldn’t buy the school anything because the school wasn’t a member. I always need a cover story. She did not say anything about that.) She said she would help me. She also called me hon with every sentence. I showed her my membership card. She clicked my phone and made the UPC code thingy big. She gave me a total. I put my credit card in. It said remove my card. I did. I looked at her. She said how are you going to pay for this, hon? I gaped. I thought I had paid for it. What had I paid for? HOW DOES CHECKING OUT WORK? I cleverly said, “What?” (maybe huh?…I can’t be sure) She repeated her question and I continued to be completely confused. Eventually I waved the credit card in the air. She asked me what it was. I looked at it. She asked again. I thought, “it’s a credit card. Can’t you see it?” but I didn’t formulate any words. She asked, “Is it a debit card?” Suddenly, my brain started working again. Oh! It could be something other than a credit card. I don’t think of debit cards. I do not have a debit card. Well, I probably do…somewhere. When I need cash, I say I need cash and it comes to me. I finally figured out to say it was a credit card and I escaped with my receipt if not my dignity.
I zoomed to the car and put my 150 pounds of freezy pops in the back and set off for my haircut. The direction lady said turn left. What? I KNEW it was right, so I went right. She said make a U turn. No. She said take the next right. No. She said take a left and make a U turn. No. I turned on the next major street I knew was correct. She got a little testy. I pulled on to a side street to pull over to see what was going on. Oh. She wanted me to go back to Sam’s Club because I didn’t know I had to push continue to keep going on my map. I do not map. (I do not check out. I do not get money. I do not map. I am currently living in the 1940s) I put in the haircut address, and it said keep going on the side street. Excellent. Turn. Ok. Good straight. Ok. Get on the highway. What the hell? NO! Auuugh. I had to stop again. The side street wasn’t connected to the neighborhood…I actually did have to get out and go 55mph for 400 ft and get off again. Auughh.
I was early!! (two minutes) Look what I did! (actually, Theresa my hair cutter did it)

Keith was curious who was cooking us dinner tonight. I had an idea. Maren had recommended a new(ish) restaurant before Florida – Tono Pizza and Cheesesteak. I don’t know why it came into my head, but it seemed like a nice idea for dinner – try a new place. The problem was, it is NEXT to Sam’s Club. Seriously. I worked SO hard to get the errand done and it seemed such a bummer to negate all that effort. Keith said, yes, cheesesteak. I waved at Sam’s when we went by.
We saw The Fall Guy after dinner. I have never really been a Ryan Gosling fan before, but he was mmm mmm handsome and funny in this movie. There were lots of stunts and I think I gave three little surprise squeals. Good movie.
Oh! I almost forgot because it just took me forever to tell you I had dinner and saw a movie, but Keith went out for a great lunch with his friend, Phil. They went to somewhere with hamburgers that were really good. It was definitely called something. B52s? I think that is A name of a place, but maybe not this place. Keith is practicing so I can’t ask him. Well, wherever it was, the burgers were terrific, and they ordered cheese curds and cheese curds are always terrific, and Keith got to eat two meals out in one day – like he was on vacation. Yay for him because he is a very nice guy. Hi Phil!
Great cut! But what happened to all those freezie pops? Are they still in the back? – Yikes 😉
They don’t come frozen, so I just delivered them this morning 🥶