Dinner and a show

Saturday, September 2, 2023

I’m weirded out that it is September. I know everyone always says, “the summer went so fast!”, but it did!

Alexander is gone for the weekend to Illinois, so we are babysitting the grandkittens. We were going to get up and go visit them this morning, but then I needed to water flowers and tomatoes and that took forever, then we were hot and sat and looked at our phones for half an hour, and then I said we had to go in the pool because it was sunny and hot and we would go have dinner with the kitties. We were going to have pool company but then we didn’t. We just spent three hours together, chatting, floating around.

I cannot rush visiting the kitties. I have to have time to sit in a chair, just in case they want to sit on somebody. I like to have an activity to do while we are there, like eating dinner. We went to Cub on the way and got some corn on the cob. We just went in and got ears of corn and put them in the cart and pushed it away. We did not stand in the grocery store and frantically shuck the corn, making a huge mess on the floor. I just think it is the stupidest thing. Obviously, the corn is going to stay fresher longer if you leave the husk on. I would get it if you lived in New York City and disposing of the husks was a problem. How is it a problem for the people of Woodbury? It’s not. (Why do I think it would be a problem in NYC? I do understand they have garbage collection and all – I just don’t think of them as having good access to composting and people should compost, especially corn and watermelon. So bulky, then just gone!)

I just looked it up. I read three articles. They all started with Do NOT shuck your corn until right before you are going to cook it. It begins to dry out immediately, even if you just peel back the husk to check the kernels.

Yet everyone (except us) does it. (And you. I bet you don’t do it either.) There were two men doing it today while I picked out my corn. They looked like their lives depended on them doing it as fast as possible. The poor kid from Cub was working hard to sweep up the mess they were making.

We find that for two people, cooking corn in the husk in the microwave is the best way. You can cook the next two while you are eating the first two, etc., etc. After cooking it, the corn slides right of the husk and you don’t have to do anything else. Bam. Done. I love it. If you have a bunch of people eating together, that method doesn’t work as well.

So, we had corn on the cob, because it is SEPTEMBER and pretty soon we are going to be eating roasts and soup. We bought enough to have it tomorrow, too. I didn’t want to wake up in October and realize I didn’t eat enough corn.

Sophie came up to check out what we were eating. I am pretty confident Alexander has never cooked himself corn on the cob. She doesn’t like people food, but sometimes she comes close to see it.

We are rewatching Frasier before the reboot comes out and it is just as brilliant as I remember it. We watched two episodes, ate, petted kitties, and went on our way. I look forward to doing today all over again tomorrow.

4 thoughts on “Dinner and a show”

  1. I see what you did there–everybody got dinner and a show: The two of you got Frasier, and the two kitties got your dinner prep. 🙂

  2. I have never seen anyone shuck corn in the grocery store and would never have thought of doing that. So strange..and agree, keep it unshucked for as long as possible.

    1. That’s great! Washington is not insane! People used to just suck the corn and leave the mess; now all grocery stores have big garbage cans for the husks. People still make a huge mess.

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