Dinner guest

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Alexander came for dinner. I said, “I have been sitting all day, doing nothing.” He responded, “So, living your best life! You’re old. It’s okay to just sit around.” I said thanks.

I told him I was going to take his picture with his artfully arranged plate and he said that make sense, since nothing else had happened all day. Then I went to get a fork and completely forgot. So, the picture is from yesterday.

Alexander helped us out and cleared out most of the candy from the laundry basket. He is nice that way. As he was packing up to leave, I asked him if there was anything else he wanted from our house….maybe…soap?

He came back from the front door and said, “Let me tell you about soap. Bar soap is the woist. I have a bar of soap in my bathroom that is sort of sticky. It is sort of hard. It is awful. I wash my hands with it, then walk around the corner to the kitchen and wash that soap off my hands. It came with my house. It’s awful.”

I got some liquid soap out from under the bathroom sink and offered it to him. I showed him Keith’s fancy soap I got him for Christmas and the half full giant refill bottle of liquid soap for our current soap dispenser. I said he could take the current one. He said he actually has another liquid soap – the one from before I gave him cool soap for Christmas (soap! I gave everyone soap for Christmas!) and he could move that to the bathroom. I said if he took my extra bathroom one, I wouldn’t have too much soap anymore. He looked squinty at me. “Are you telling me this – this one bottle – is your too much soap?” I said yes. My too much soap really isn’t that much soap. It’s really just a half full big bottle. And some little bar soaps upstairs in a drawer. He refused to take the soap and said I was going to be okay with my soap.