Do you want to build a snowman?

November 28, 2022

There is a house down the street and around the corner that has eight (8!) light up snowmen in their yard and I love them. LOVE THEM! There is one on the porch and there are seven in a row against the garage. There are white lights decorating their space and they look so happy. They make me happy. While we were on a walk, I asked my sister if we lived too close to copy them. She said no. Then I was on a mission.

We googled up light up snowmen. There are a lot of choices. I wasn’t interested in interneting them. I wanted my snowmen, and I wanted them now. We ordered three jumping ones from Lowes (QUICK! PUSH THE BUTTON, KEITH! IT SAYS THEY ARE THE LAST ONES), then checked out Home Depot and Menards. We all jumped into the car and went to Home Depot. We bought a family of three snowmen and a JUGGLING snowman. I was so excited. There was a juggling snowman! The last one! We then picked up our pile of three snowmen and headed home.

Keith and Michael were outside building the three and Donna and I were inside building the family. When we got them all outside, disaster! The pile were warm white and the family was bright white. oooOOOOooo they did not look great together. We looked and looked, but they really didn’t go together. We unassembled the family for return, and left the juggler in the box. Oh, juggling snowman, we hardly knew ye! Keith returned them the next morning. We all agreed the three little snowmen helping decorate were enough.

Except Keith.

He was very interested in getting more snowmen. He thought the little snowmen were very Benjamin, Alexander, and Sean, and he thought we needed a him and a me snowman. He kept shopping. We had seen two bigger snowmen at Lowes and he went back to get them. They were sold out. He looked for more Lowes and found one near last night’s rehearsal. Sold out when we got there…but in our inability to give up, we wandered around looking at all the stuff (I found three penguins helping decorate and thought that would be a great addition…but they were sold out, too), and far away from everything else, was a warm white family. In the cart and to the car!

I got home from work today (first day of the new trimester. Jury is 100% out on 10th graders so far) and Keith was out in the yard with the new snowhim and the snowme. The only thing Keith has ever not done that I have asked him to do (repeatedly) is decorate for Christmas (He puts the lights on the Christmas tree in the house), so this has been a stunning development. Yay, snowmen!

2 thoughts on “Do you want to build a snowman?”

    1. Barbara+L+Thompson

      We are not usually this early on any decorating, but I filled the calendar with activities and now am working, so we had to get a jump on it. I look forward to see your picture!

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