Doing Stuff that is kind of like good deeds

Tuesday, January 2, 2023

Keith woke up to a message from Alexander that his car wouldn’t start and he needed help. Keith had a meeting until 9 and I had a virtual doctor appointment at 9. I assumed I would be able to get myself logged in (let’s be honest – there was no way that was happening. I have no idea on Earth how to do that. I zoomed Bingo during pandemic and had a doctor appointment a month ago – all that Keith set up. That is my zooming history) but was very glad that Keith would be here to help. He tried to set it up at 8:59 and that’s when we realized that I seem to have dreamed that the appointment was online. Into the car I dashed and was there by 9:07. Blood pressure is still weird – low and high – but not too high, so at least that is good. My mental health is going well. I go back in March for the next check-in.

Then I went to give blood. I did not fail. There was a green long sleeve T shirt with a yeti on the back that said yeti set donate. The large looked large! The medium looked small. It was hard. I went large, because you cannot go wrong with too big. I was leaving when the volunteers at the welcome desk asked if I had gotten a shirt. I held it up and they said, “No. One of those shirts.” There was a table with black Tshirts with a pink heart on it. It was cute. I could get the right size on this one. I was tempted, because I don’t wear long sleeve very often (due to being ON FIRE often) and the size confusion, but GREEN. OoooOOo. Hard. I decided the black T would be more useful and I picked it up. It had Thrivent on the back. They are a company that does something. I have heard of them. I pointed that out to the volunteers – it wasn’t from the Red Cross – maybe I could have both. I like both. Both is good. They said I could pick one. Why? They didn’t even know there were shirts inside the blood giving room. They were first time volunteers, because I was first donor of the day, and they were learning when I got there. How would they know if I could have one or two? I think the church (we were at a church) just put them out to get rid of them because they were left over from a thing at the church. They had nothing to do with blood donor-ing. I was quite set on the black with pink heart now, but I wanted both, because GREEN. I considered just taking both. If they said, “Stop! You are taking too many shirts,” I would stare at them and blink blink. “What? Me? Where?” I could do it. What I couldn’t do is ask. Two solid reasons for that. 1. Asking is so scary 2. I didn’t think of it. So, I went back in the blood giving room (pretty sure one of those nurses asking people questions or sticking needles in arms would glance up and yell over, “Hey, take them both!”) and returned my large GREEN yeti shirt. Bye yeti shirt.

Meanwhile, Keith was at Alexander’s, trying to figure out the car problem. He had a battery charger (or something like that) that wouldn’t do anything when he hooked it up to the control battery (this car is a hybrid, so there is a battery to control the car and a bigger battery to power the car). Not just that it wouldn’t charge, but it wouldn’t even recognize it was hooked up. What? How is that a thing? He then tried to get access to the battery in the back, but since the hatch is electric and electric systems weren’t working, he had to get in and crawl over seats. Getting access was not easy, but finally he got there. He decided to bring the battery home and charge it. After work, he went back and put it back in and the car started. Now what? Depend that it is going to keep going? Mmmm? Hard to know. He figured if he brought Alexander’s car here, if it went dead again in a few days he would go buy a new battery. Alexander can keep our car while we are gone through next week (OH spoilers! Vacation is coming Saturday!) just to make sure he has a solid vehicle. I thought that was why he got the new [used] car, but live and learn. Keith said I can drive Alexander’s car to work tomorrow, and he will come to get me if it is dead after school. Um, no. I will take the other car, thank you very much. Keith and Alexander also got the new Christmas snow blower out of the box and got it all set up. That means it won’t snow for a while, but snow blowers are like umbrellas…if you got one, you don’t need it.

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