Donation day

Friday, September 30, 2022 (My sister got the Wordle in ONE! Whooo hoooo)

I went to give blood after work today. I scheduled it at 4:00 to make sure I wouldn’t be late (out of school at 3:30 – 5 minute drive). Then I waited until 4:30. I know stuff happens, but sometimes it is just hard to wait.

I failed my first hemoglobin test. Gah. Waiting and then failing is the worst! I passed the second try. They only give you two tries. I was sitting there dripping blood into a bag when the lady next to me got dizzy and they had to lay her flat. She reported that she hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast, when she had half an apple. Um. Duh. Don’t do that. (She was a wispy little thing.)

My blood guy, Sam, told me to have snacks, drink lots of water (water bottle came with me), and wait about 15 minutes before I left. I was snacking away (cheezits and an oatmeal cranberry cookie) when wispy girl came and sat at my table. I asked, “Are you doing okay?” She looked at me (in that MN way) like I-do-not-know-you-why-are-you-talking-to-me and responded, “I’m fine.” I thought maybe she was a bit embarrassed or something, so I offered that I’ve had that happen to me before and it takes a little to recover. She just looked at me, finished her tiny little apple juice and got up and walked away.


I finished my cookie, gathered my stuff, and headed out. She walked back in the door and announced, “I feel very light-headed.” The greeters plopped her in a chair and ran for more juice. I walked to the car. I didn’t think I was scary, but maybe I made her run away too quickly. Maybe she is just not a good blood giver. Maybe she doesn’t follow directions (ooooo, like a 9th grader) very well. I assume she was okay, but we’ll never know. Sorry about that.

The potd is the church where the blood drive was. I take lots of pictures of churches on vacations, but rarely stop to do it around here. I was in the car and looked at the steeple and stopped to take this picture. I wasn’t thinking POTD (because I very rarely do!), so I took it the wrong way. Oh well.

6 thoughts on “Donation day”

  1. You are not scary Barbara. I know what you mean though about some people who don’t understand why you would talk to them because they don’t know you. Steve’s eldest was most puzzled once when he was with us. We were walking down the street and said ‘Morning’ to a man we passed. The conversation went….. Morning – Who was that? – We don’t know – Why would you say morning then? – Because it is friendly, polite …… This was just not understood at all.
    Thank goodness there are people like us Barbara. Keep talking. 🙂🙂

    1. The difference between MN and WI is startling. Wisconsinites love to chat with others!! When we moved here, I was so confused. Somehow my children ended up as Minnesotans – they are aghast when I talk to strangers. 🤦‍♀️

  2. I’m a Minnesotan and I picked up my dad’s (also a lifelong Minnesotan) gene for talking to everyone: in elevators, waiting rooms, Covid shot lines, pretty much everywhere. Keep saying hi; lots of people will say “hi” back.

  3. Then there’s Jerry Young – who should have a mute in his mouth!!! (Barbara would have to elaborate on that one…)

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