
Do you like escape rooms? I do! I love them. Just love them. I don’t think I am any good at them, because I am always going with crackerjack thinkers who solve all the puzzles before I can even start to think about them. That doesn’t diminish the fun in any way for me. I love puzzle room places that really go all out on the ambience. Our friends, Louise and Tom, told us about a room in Denver in which you are trying to get out before the plane crashes (they did not. Sad they crashed, but they got to finish the game anyway). It has a fabulous simulation of the inside of an airplane, with real (old)(reused! Yay!) airplane seats and even oxygen masks that come down at the appropriate time. It sounds so great that I want to go to Denver!

We movied with Tom and Louise tonight (The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent – highly enjoyable!) and then instead of standing in the lobby and talking until we got too tired to stand up anymore, they invited us over for a game. Fabulous idea!

They had a puzzle room in a box, which does lack the ambience Louise and I both love, but it has the puzzles! We were busting through the puzzles (AND I FOUND A NUMBER ON A CARD ALL BY MYSELF)(one number. But it helped. I take my wins whenever I can) until suddenly we weren’t. We were stopped cold. Mmmm. We looked and looked and second guessed and took hints and were still stopped. We ended up peeking at the cards to get ourselves moving again. And you know what, I couldn’t have cared less. We peeked, we got the next card, and we were on our way again. We zooooomed to the end, we rescued the princess, and it was fabulous.

I’m riding high on our success and am excited to do another one. We are so lucky to have friends and family to play games with!! We are so happy that pandemic is gone enough that we can gather and play. Yay!

PS I went to Elementary school today. I was in the media center, with classes K1234. The lesson plan said, “Read aloud a book of your choice.” I was totally intimidated. How would I pick an appropriate book for each level – with too many choices – literally an entire library? Luckily, the building sub stopped in and gave me guidance. She said, “Read them all the same book.” I would NEVER have thought of that. She said, “How about a Dr. Seuss?” I would never have thought of that. I picked Are You My Mother? (not Seuss; PD Eastman, but it’s always with Dr. Seuss. I have to look that up). I got to yell SNORT and say You are not my mother, you are a snort! eight times today. What a win.