Feliz Navidad…Feliz Navidad…

Sunday, December 11. 2022

Two parties on two consecutive nights is terrific!

I slept in reallllly late (9:30) (9:30!!) (We went to bed at 1:??, so that was a solid sleep). I spent half an hour on my phone, wasting time, then suddenly remembered we were having another party and I needed to bake a cake. I moseyed downstairs, where Keith had already been up for an hour. I curled up in a blue chair (not in too much hurry to bake a cake), and Alexander appeared moments later. Since it was after 1am when the last guests left last night, he decided to sleep over. It was such a nice thing to have him hang around this morning, into the early afternoon. We had lots of chatting while I made the tres leches cake. We have made tres leches cupcakes several times before, and all three of us have been in on painting the three milks on top of each cupcake, waiting for them to soak in. Turns out the cake is FAR superior. You mix up the liquids, pour it over the cake, wait about a minute, and BAM: it’s all soaked in. Total win.

We had the same menu for both parties – tacos, tinga, enchiladas, and corn mush. As Keith and I cooked the food for today, it was a total breeze. We made all the same things YESTERDAY, so we didn’t have to consult recipes or figure anything out. It was very smooth. Cool.

Members of Metro Brass came at 5:30 and we had a lovely time visiting and eating. Then we played the game from last night. Unsuspecting new people came to our house and we made them play a made-up game.


They may have had fun – I don’t know them well enough to be able to tell if they were lying. I had a good time, so that is something.

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