Friday, April 5, 2024
We should be in Alabama. Or at least that was the original plan. The North American Brass Band Association has their annual convention/competition there this weekend and we have been planning to go. When we were ready in January to buy plane tickets, Keith stopped at the last minute and said he thought we shouldn’t go – what if he wasn’t done with the bathroom? What a good thought – even though it wasn’t a good thought.
He is certainly not done. He got a lot of the back wall done today, but not all. He has lots of measuring done and 60 tile cuts to make first thing in the morning.
I came to Waukesha to hang out a bit. I invited my local family to come over for fish fry and they came. The nephews were busy, and sister-in-law Karen is in Florida, but everyone else came. We took the opportunity for a family photo for the potd. I will also include a candid picture of the moment we all realized Dennis has gigantic hands 🙂