Football hats

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Benjamin, Sean, and I went mall walking this morning while Keith was playing at a church. I told them that it was nice outside and that we could just walk, but there was interest in buying something at the mall, so we went early to walk and catch Pokémon Gos. I walked, they caught things. We thought stores opened at 10 – and there was a fair amount of activity in most stores between 9:30 and 10, but then no one opened at 10. Mmm. 11 on Sunday. What were all those people doing there so early? I have no idea.

There were big football hats at one end of Camp Snoopy. Benjamin showed off his sportsball knowledge by being able to identify nearly all of the teams. The easiest ones were the ones with their names on the sides, but he also identified animals and shapes and colors. Very impressive indeed. Keith wanted to know why there were big hats and if he would learn from the POTD. No, he will not. I did not learn, because it did not occur to me to wonder why they were there. They were just there. I am not really ever curious. Things just are.

Since there was no shopping to be done at the mall, we went to IKEA. We were looking for a little shelf to put in a kitchen cabinet and I dragged them all over the first floor, because that is where little stuff is. Turns out there is a section with little kitchen-y stuff on the second floor. That’s where we eventually found it. We had to ask the information man, who has a booth by the check-outs. I get that – because you might be confused about where to find your boxes and everything, but we would have appreciated finding him earlier. It’s kind weird to have a giant, giant store and no workers anywhere. I considered asking the Swedish meatball workers if they knew where things were, but decided it would be weird to make them know that, so they probably wouldn’t know. I hope they don’t know.