Wednesday, February 28, 2024
I realized last night that the points we earned from Christmas shopping at the Mall of America (we are still unclear on how we earned so many points without spending very much money) expire on Friday. They gave us three whole months to use them and of course, we are down to the wire. We are busy Thursday and Friday, so tonight was the night. Tom and Louise joined us to do free activities.
We started with Rock of Ages glow-in-the-dark mini golf. I was on fire! I got the ball in the hole every time! Keith got a hole in one! Louise got a hole in one! Tom got a two on just about every hole. It was grand.
Next, we went on the 5D experiences. In the Mine Car adventure, we were in a car with three rows of four people. With our 3D glasses on, we rode through a creepy mine with snakes (I just wrote snacks and wondered for a moment why that looked wrong. No snacks) and skeletons and breaking bridges and jungle and SPIDERS (the spiders were that big). Next we went on Shark Attack. We went to a platform in an underwater research facility then went down down down under the water. We were seeing the water dinosaurs they were creating when something went wrong and a GIANT shark attacked! He broke the glass and I think we are dead. It was delightful.
We were wondering what to do next. Keith had told me he didn’t think Tom and Louise liked rides and I just believed him. I never don’t believe him. They like rides just fine. We got Camp Snoopy wristbands and did the rides. Tom and Louise have never done rides there before, so it felt like a treat to share, even though we haven’t been there for years. We did all the things, and all the best things twice. Tom has the greatest laugh while he is riding!!
Between our free mini golf for my birthday and tonight, we did about $375 of activities free. What? We didn’t spend that much more doing the original shopping. What fabulousness.
But the day was not all wonderful. I got some very, very sad news this morning. Pannekoeken closed suddenly. We worried about them all through pandemic and drove over and bought as much as we could to try to help out – each time afraid it would be the last time. The sign on the door said their lease expired and I want to poke the landlord with sticks. I am so glad we were able to go for my birthday and that Donna and Michael and Alexander were there for a festive time. Good-bye Pannekoeken! You were my absolute favorite!

Well, dang…. So sorry about Pannekoeken Huis – that’s really sad. I wonder where all the people who worked there will land? BUT, what a great February “state fair” evening with Tom and Louise – all of that would have been WORTH $375. Sort of like Christmas all over again!
That is what I said! The funtivities were probably more valuable than the stuff… although I know at least some of the dollars were spent on chocolate