frozen goodness

Friday, April 14, 2023

Today we went to Dairy Queen to celebrate their birthday with 85 cent blizzards. I asked Keith what was better – his chili dog or his blizzard. He didn’t hesitate: blizzard. I asked him which was better – his onion rings or his blizzard. Still no hesitation: blizzard. He said ice cream would win over just about anything. Just for the record, my pretzel and cheese beat my blizzard hands down.

Donna and Michael arrived for the concert and birthday weekend. Donna was carrying a lovely gift bag. She asked if Keith wanted his present now, or….what should she do with it – it was heavy. He said she could put it by his two cards he got today that is waiting to open on Sunday. She said that might be a problem and handed him the bag.

It was six pints of Kopps frozen custard!! Truly the best thing he could have gotten! He had some immediately. Yesterday I wondered who would be giving him a birthday treat today – the answer is Donna and Michael.

2 thoughts on “frozen goodness”

  1. Every day leading up to the birthday just gets better and better. The anticipation alone is exciting! GOOD CALL, Donna and Michael!!!

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