Sunday, October 1, 2023
The Twin Cities Marathon was cancelled today because it was too hot.
Wow. It was forecast to be 90 degrees in Minneapolis on October 1st. Wow. We pooled, because obviously. It is forecast to be 55 degrees next Sunday. We got out of the pool to meet Alexander at 2:30 to go downtown to Brick Fest.
We parked at the Orchestra Hall parking ramp – one block farther and half the cost. When overflow parking is needed for the orchestra concerts, they open up connections to the next ramp. Keith thought he would be clever and go for a connection to get us closer to the convention center. The connections were not open on floor one, or two, or three, or four. We were making fun of him, but he is ever the optimist, so we ended up on the fifth floor of the original ramp.
Brick Fest was Saturday and Sunday; we got Sunday tickets hoping to avoid some crowds – same for arriving later in the afternoon. There were plenty of people there, but it was NOT crowded. We walked around and looked at all of the amateur displays. Alexander said, “I don’t want to be critical, but these people are here to be judged, so GET YOUR HEAD IN THE GAME, people. I should not be able to see four different Spidermans from one vantage point. These princess vehicles are pretty good, for the most part, but their backgrounds should reflect their movies better. What is this rainbow gem Sleeping Beauty stuff?” Get your head in the game became the phrase for the ones he thought were a bit off. It got very funny after a while – because he snuck it in when I wasn’t expecting it. I told him it would be the title of the potd and he said it better be….or I would have to get my head in the game. The potd is us with Woody because as Alexander pointed out, we are big Tom Hanks fans. I forgot that Tom Hanks had anything to do with Woody. Duh.
My favorite of the professional creations was the life-sized witch, because her teeth are epic.

One local guy had made a rotating display of scenes of the Wizard of Oz. They were all cute as could be, but the black and white-ness of the first scene stole our hearts.

I liked this next one too. I liked figuring out all the Disney movies and characters.

When we got back to the car, I said they better pose by the car in its aloneness on the 5th floor. I have to be more specific when telling Alexander to pose…because he is posing…

The Wizard of Oz stuff is REALLY impressive! Do these people ever sleep? Do they have jobs beyond doing Lego stuff? Amazing. I think those particular folks have their head in the game.
That is exactly what Alexander said! I enjoyed all of the displays, as I imagined all the creators were really enjoying themselves as they built their displays, but it is most interesting to me when they make something that is a representation of something I am familiar with.