Getting Ready

Thursday, August 10. 2023

I used to be good at packing. Really good. Everything was organized by day, we had what we needed and didn’t have much extra. I was very happy if all the clothes came home in the dirty clothes bag and the snackables had been eaten and left room for souvenirs.

Now, I seem to wander around a lot. Clothes are easy. Fold, fold, fold, done. It’s all those other things. Earplugs and goggles and cover-ups. (Where is my cover-up? I don’t know.) Snacks, jewelry, shoes, medication, cords, plugs and chargers.

The goal was to be packed today, because tomorrow friends are coming for swimming.

I am not packed. There are some piles. We are switching hotels and Keith is working some days, so I want to organize everything so we aren’t digging around in the suitcase, making a mess. I got hot this afternoon and just stormed away to the pool and gave up trying for a while.

I think I only work under pressure. I think I spin my wheels when I have extra time.

I stayed up until 3am worrying about oversleeping and being late to take my friends to the airport. Let me tell you, that is a very bad plan. I also spent time worrying about how hot it will be in Florida. Neither of these things are improved by worrying about them.

A very bright spot of the day is that I convinced Keith we need to take turkey sammiches on the plane (10am-2:30pm. Prime sammich time), so we went and got fixings and now I can have a turkey sammich tomorrow, too. Someday I am going to tire of my turkey sammiches, but it hasn’t happened yet.

2 thoughts on “Getting Ready”

  1. Hope Alexander is coming over while you’re gone to finish off that big ol’ turkey breast!!! Travel safely….. And have fun…. (You guys always have fun – where do I get off issuing an order to “have fun” to the Thompsons???)

  2. Fun in on the agenda! I have learned that the turkey freezes really well, and the buns do okay, too. We will have lunch for the day after we get home – as long as I remember to take it out of the freezer!

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