Tuesday, December 10, 2024
I saw Santa today. He was getting into an elevator. It was pretty exciting, to be honest. It’s kinda like seeing Mickey Mouse when he is walking from one place to another at Disney World. You think you are going to be cool about it, but you’re not. I was visiting a friend at assisted living, and Santa was getting into the elevator as I was walking up the stairs. I dropped my glove and as I went back down two steps, I saw him. At the top of stairs, I lingered…waiting for the elevator to open. It didn’t. There are only two floors. Where did he go? He had a giant gingerbread cookie walking with him. Was that significant? I don’t know. They both disappeared. Magic.
After that visit, I came home and started cleaning up around here, so we could get out the decorations. One thing led to another, and I started actually cleaning. The cobs have been leaving their webs everywhere this fall, and it was time to get rid of them. A package came for Keith the other day – vacuum cleaner accessory brushes. I didn’t know such a thing existed. He was so excited. I told him to feel free to try them out and he got right on it. I degreased over the stove and cleaned up the kitchen cabinets.
Who are we?
It’s time for our holly, jolly participation in the POTD! The theme of day eleven is Santa! Send me a picture of or inspired by Santa – text or email – or [email protected] by 10pm December 11 and it will be in that day’s blog. If you want to remain anonymous, let me know – otherwise I will give you credit. You don’t have to play every day – any day or every day is fine! We will count down the days to Christmas together!
Here are today’s cookies by Nancy, Kristine, Donna, Louise, Barbara, Keith, and me.

We are lucky our sister, Nancy, has taken over cookie baking from our mom