Going Out

We went out of the house today. Beyond the mailbox.

We are working on claiming the cruise we (Keith) won from Jeopardy. We had to have a notary public (when I was young I thought it was a “note a republic”. That doesn’t make any sense, but, really, notary public doesn’t make immediate sense to me either. I have a little piece of broken brain when it comes to Bs and Ps and public is reallly hard for me to spell) sign off on our signing off on winning. Since the value of the cruise is so high, the taxes will be significant. We have to make a final decision on whether paying a lot for a free cruise is worth it. I think we will say yes…but not sure. Since we already have the Mississippi River Brass Band trip scheduled for two weeks this summer, we thought (and we can) we would take this cruise next summer. But if we have to pay taxes on it this year, maybe we should try to go soon. What if the boat people go out of business? What if we get really older? Things to consider.

The bank has been totally remodeled since we’ve been there. We tend to forget about that two years in the house. Huh.

Tonight, we went to Minneapolis to see Hadestown, 2019’s Tony winner for Best Musical. It was a miss for both of us. We even both took an after work-time nap so we would be not tired, so we could enjoy it. Good thing, because we would both have slept through it otherwise (we found it very repetitive and boring. The singing was pretty screechy and it was hard to understand the lyrics. There were captions that helped, but it is a bummer to always have to be looking at that screen to see what is being said). It was a fifteen minute story stretched out for 2.5 hours.

There were gazillions of people out on 6th Avenue on the way home. Many were dressed up, most were young-ish. We wondered if it was a St. Patrick’s day thing, but no one seemed to be wearing green and no one was visibly drunk. No apparent daffodils or leeks, so it probably wasn’t a belated St. David’s day thing, either.

We’re home again, and it is starting to feel normal. I had to open several drawers to find my hairdryer today, which made me laugh. Now I am typing, Keith is practicing, and stuff is usual.

8 thoughts on “Going Out”

  1. Welcome home! Sounds like you two had an incredible journey. Thanks for the vivid travel writing. I heard Keith is coming to brass band on Monday. Hooraaaaay!! That will be awesome. Brian

  2. Julie Bakken-Johnson

    What cruise line is this expensive free cruise you won, with? Sound like fun. And welcome back. I too have enjoyed your journey.

    1. Thank you, Julie. I bet I could have written quite a bit about our day in Bonaire 😊 Lindblad expeditions, I think. There should be a link on the name the blog day, if you want to read about it

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