Sunday, October 29, 2023
As Halloween approaches, I have been enjoying the decorations that have appeared in peoples’ yards. None of them even approaches the amazing decorations of a house a few blocks from us. I remember when they started decorating six or seven years ago (8? 10? I don’t know). I loved it. They built a fence around their front yard, complete with gargoyles on the gateposts. I seriously loved it. We called it the Halloween house year round. We went on Halloween two years ago because they had started doing the backyard and we had to see. Wow.
Last year, nothing happened. It was so weird and disappointing. I felt like stopping by and asking if everyone was okay. That would have been weird.
I drove by at the beginning of September and saw some Halloween figures out in the yard. The preparations were beginning! I wondered what they would add this year. I was glad everyone was okay. The next day I drove by and they were having a garage sale. I thought I should stop but there were groceries in the car and I know how I linger, so I went home.
A For Sale sign went up a few days later.
The end of an era.

Uff da! Amazing… I always think we’ve had a major accomplishment when our singular Christmas tree is up and decorated. I’m in awe…
Totally agree!