Good Bye, Pei Wei!

Sunday, December 17, 2023

We saw on the neighborhood news last night that today was Pei Wei’s (local Chinese food place – a fast version from PF Chang) last day. Alexander had recently come across a forgotten gift card and we were feeling lucky to have heard the news in time to use it. To be clear, we were not happy to hear the news itself – Pei Wei is a family favorite – but happy to use the $25 on lunch. Alexander indulged in two favorite meals, because gift card. I always have Mongolian Steak (beef and weeds), so the part of his he couldn’t finish went with the part of mine that I couldn’t finish, and Keith gets lunch tomorrow. Win win win.

Bye Pei Wei. Your staff was always friendly and helpful – I hope they all immediately have new jobs.

4 thoughts on “Good Bye, Pei Wei!”

  1. OH, NO!!! This is sad news all the way over in Michigan!!! WHAT WERE THEY THINKING???? I’ve never been to Pei Wei when it hasn’t been reasonably busy…. I know – change is inevitable, but…. We can hope something new that’s good finds a home there. But they won’t have lettuce wraps…

    1. At first we didn’t believe the rumor, because why? It always seems to have customers. But it is a chain, so maybe something to do with franchise..

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