Hair cuttin’ time

After the pandemic started and we were in our house for some months, Keith started getting fluffy. Eventually, he suggested I cut his hair. We have a hair shaver/trimmer thing, because a gazillion years ago, I used to buzz his hair and the boys’ hair (Alexander pretty much went from a buzz cut to really not a buzz cut). We got out the trimmer, and he gave me tips about what the real haircutting lady does. It didn’t matter too much if I messed up, because: A. he was looking pretty raggedy; and B. there was no one here but me to look at him. After things opened up and he could go back to the hair cutting store, he didn’t want to. He thinks it is easier to just do it in the kitchen (I took his picture and he said, “oh, but the kitchen is a mess.” This is a fact. I made cupcakes this morning for brass band rehearsal because it was our friend Jenny’s birthday yesterday. I cooked dinner. I went grocery shopping and the remnants are everywhere. I am making food for company coming tomorrow. I stand by my mess. Imagine my delight when I looked at the picture and it said, ‘Blur background?’ I pushed the button. I didn’t know there was a button for that. You can still tell it’s a mess, but it’s a blurry mess – my favorite kind). Look at our official looking hair cutting cape. I got it for him for his birthday. Go big or go home!

Anyway, he has a rehearsal tomorrow, then concerts the next two days, then a couple days, then we are off on the band trip. He needed to get spiffed up. I was talking away (usually I ask nice questions – what do you do? Do you have kids? Is your wife a lovely person? Ya know, the usual, but today we had things to talk about, getting ready for the upcoming stuff) and pretending I know what I am doing, and I sorta forgot that I don’t know what I am doing. My best trick is just smashing on his head until it looks okay. I suddenly remembered that he has to stand up in front of the band and shouldn’t look like someone cut around a bowl on his head. I just sorta stopped at that point.

He has regular glasses, and computer glasses, and music glasses, but no haircut glasses, so I think I’m alright. If you go to one of the concerts, focus on how he sounds. Thanks!

6 thoughts on “Hair cuttin’ time”

  1. This is pretty much how I cut Steve’s hair when he asks me to do it.
    Do hope Keith enjoys all his concerts and the band trip goes well.
    We looked on YouTube the other day and watched Keith playing ‘Grandfather’s Clock.’. Super. Xx

    1. Barbara+L+Thompson

      Keith played Grandfather’s Clock on the first tour we took with this band. He is playing the Tritsch-Tratsch polka this trip. It always makes me nervous when he’s out in front of the band, but he seems to take it in stride.

  2. Geez, with a haircut cape on, Keith looks almost exactly he did back in 1983! The smile is for sure the same… Looking forward to band trip POTDs!

    1. Barbara+L+Thompson

      That’s almost 40 years ago! Wow. I am sure looking forward to having something to write about during the trip. I thought I would stop doing this after that trip, but realized I have the Jeopardy cruise coming in August, so will keep it up.

  3. Love reading your Picture of the Day so very pleased you are not stopping yet.
    Enjoy your trip AND cruise. Xx

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