
Thursday, January 12, 2022

We went to see the musical Hairspray. As we were driving to Minneapolis, I asked Keith if we had seen the movie. I could not remember a single thing about it, but it made no sense that we would not have seen a movie musical. We are movie fans, we are musical fans. He mentioned a few songs from the show and said he didn’t really remember it either, but we had to have seen it.

We haven’t seen it. There was no part about the show that we recognized at all. I guess the kids were still too little to stay home alone when it came out, and I can’t imagine we ever got a babysitter to go to a movie. Huh.

I didn’t like it very much. It was well performed and it’s always great to see a show, but it didn’t do much for me. Not like the FANS that were there! There was a woman two rows behind us that sang along to the entire show. At intermission, the people behind made sure to point out that it wasn’t them singing. That made me laugh. The applause for every song raised the roof. Wow.

Keith liked it. Good for him.

The potd today is from the Lego wall in the maker space. Two boys were working very hard putting up these messages. I liked them a lot. I met two other boys (brothers) today. Their names were Kindness and Greatness. I don’t know how life will go for them with such unusual names (although with all the unusual names now are unusual names unusual anymore? I think not), but both of them were really amazing kids. I wish them the very best.

2 thoughts on “Hairspray”

  1. You Can’t Stop The Beat is the only song I’ve ever heard with the word “avalanche” in it. Once upon a time that was important. 😉

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