Happy Alexander Day

We celebrated with the traditional dessert – pudding stuff. Pudding stuff needs to be made a day in advance, so the pudding stuff makes the graham crackers soft. Think about that. When would you want your graham crackers soft? Only in pudding stuff, I think. When I was making it yesterday, I asked Keith if he remembered when we used to make it together. One person would make the chocolate frosting while the other one assembled the pudding layers. It times out quite well, and went together in half the time (since I usually remembered to make it right before bedtime, it was especially nice to get help). He smiled big and said, “Absolutely,” then sat in a chair.

It wasn’t the complete response I was hoping for, but he did keep me company while I made it.

Alexander was too full from lunch out and dinner brought in to have any dessert (but he will get to eat the rest of the pan…assumedly over several days, but…maybe not). We forgot to take a picture before Keith cut TWO pieces. Please notice his idea of two pieces uses up the entire width of the pan. Alexander helped me eat mine, because ohmygoodness giant! Also, please notice Sophie is on her box. She says hi.

We got a severe weather warning while we were at Alexander’s. It actually said, “If you are at the State Fair, take cover now.” We were not at the fair, because you can’t get there, but I had thought about trying to go today.

Unfortunately, I opened our bedroom window to the south just before we left, so it wouldn’t be so stuffy when we got home. Keith had closed it overnight while it rained (rain! so good!). When we got home, I had to get out a mop and bucket to soak up all the water on the floor. The puddle went 8 feet from the window. It’s wonderful that we redid that area and there is now waterproof flooring instead of the old carpet. I took the opportunity to mop the whole bathroom area. Silver linings!