Happy Boxing Day

Monday, December 26, 2022

Our boxes stayed in their places today. Keith and Alexander did car maintenance, Benjin and Sean made festive calls, and I cooked dinner (second day in a row! With ingredients! Sean friendly!) This is the longest Christmas ever and it is great. Christmas should always be on Sunday.

6 thoughts on “Happy Boxing Day”

  1. Steve cooked Christmas Day and daughter-in-law cooked Boxing Day. She makes a fantastic ‘ left over pie’ where meat, vegetables, gravy and Cranberry sauce all put together in a pastry case. Fabulous.
    Love family time like you do.
    Very quiet here now as family now home.
    Big hugs to you all. 🙂

    1. Everyone was here yesterday, with Alexander gone to work today (well, Keith is upstairs working as well, but has popped down for lunch), so our holiday continues. It is quite a delight after not seeing each other for so long. Big hugs to you and Steve!!

  2. Post-blizzard shopping filled our boxing day…. Sure looks like a fun after-math at Thompson’s! Sheila’s daughter-in-law’s project sounds like perhaps the greatest Welsh pasty ever!

    1. Agreed with the cooking assessment! I assume your blizzard was blizzardier than ours. Glad you rode it out safely and have laid in supplies, hopefully not necessary for another blizzard any time soon.

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