Monday, October 31, 2022
It was interesting how many high school students suggested that we should have today or tomorrow, or both, off from school because it is Halloween. I asked them how they celebrate – none (NONE) of those who had made the suggestion had any plans at all. They weren’t interested in handing out candy (it’s stupid and a waste of time) (I couldn’t help but ask how else they would spend their time – 100% answered videos games. I did not point out that some might think that was a waste of time), decorating, dressing up, going to a party, or anything else I could think of to suggest. But we should have the day off. To play video games.
I was not in favor.
A lot of people ask why I am always willing to work on Halloween. Halloween is the best! Costumes (if your school allows) and anticipation are a fun thing to have. The day you have to be afraid of is November 1.
So. Many. Candy. Wrappers.
We had 55 trick or treaters. There was a wheel from the Price is Right, which was a new one for me. Our neighbors with their little baby were bees (including the dog) and a beekeeper. They were great. I saw a fairy with light up wings. I wanted light up wings. There were two very different witches, otherwise I don’t think there was a repeat in the bunch. How great!
I am afraid of trick or treaters (I type tricker treaters every time and have to fix it – thought you’d want to know). I spent my life either being a trick or treater or taking kids trick or treating. Keith was always in charge at home. Now that I am home with him, I hide behind him as he ever so pleasantly compliments their costumes and gives out the candy. I panic and throw like 10 pieces of candy at them. It’s an odd thing to be so bad at, but I am.
I did not eat a single piece of candy today. We are traveling on the weekend, and I am saving my treat time for the plane. I like a treat on the plane. I carefully selected what I wanted before anything went into the bowl. No Kit Kats went into the bowl. Friday is going to be awesome!

Steve is far better going to the door to trick or treaters than I am Barbara. This year he put on a long black wig and black gloves with the bones of hands on the back of them. Answering the door he peered around it with hands clinging onto the outside. One year he put on the scream mask and when he answered the door children jumped halfway down the path.
Does Keith dress up?
OH MY GOODNESS THAT IS FANTASTIC! I’m dressing up next year! No, Keith doesn’t dress up. I never thought of it. I’m excited now!
That was the first time in many years that I didn’t make my own design, but instead took some patterns off the internet (and modified them a little). I didn’t leave myself much time after spending too much time trying to make my own patterns for Hagrid and Queen Elizabeth (in memory of their recent passing), and not being happy with the results. So, I went for something easy and too-quickly cut out as well.