Happy Halloween

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Keith bought pumpkins weeks ago and they looked good out on our front porch. He started trying to carve one of them last night – not in the traditional carving way, but in the sculpting kind of way. Turns out the pumpkn rind (rind?) had the consistency of concrete. He spent over an hour chiseling out part of an eye and a bit of nose. It just was not going to work. He decided he would carve them in the traditional fashion – each pumpkin with a giant eye and then set them next to each other.

The second pumpkin was completely rotten inside and smelled TERRIBLE. He went with the first traditional punkin face I have ever seen him do. We raced to Cub to buy a few ingredients to remake the cassoulet (for lunches) and to get another pumpkin for him to try to sculpt. I was there yesterday and there were bins and bins of pumpkins. Today they were gone. They better have donated them to someone who was really happy about it. If they just fed them to pigs or somebody, they could have waited until tomorrow.

It was 28 degrees and there is snow on the ground, but we still had 41 tricker treaters. There were quite a lot of dressed up grown-ups out with the kids. The families in our cul-de-sac all go out together and leave no one at home to hand out candy. That never occurred to me when our kids were kids. I got to go trick-or-treating and Keith had to stay home. Poor Keith. Anyway, one entire side of the cul-de-sac is dark, so I think that reduces the kids willing to walk down here. The most exciting ring of the doorbell brought Adalynn and her mom and dad – or should I say Piglet, Pooh, and Tigger? They were so cute and as always, Adalyn was full of smiles and giggles.

We bought a bag of Snickers, Twix, and M&Ms. The Snickers and Twix were green inside and the M&Ms were purple, green, and orange. Very cute. It is only sad that you can’t have a candy because you have diabetes if you think about it.