Happy Twelfth Day of Christmas

Thursday, January 5, 2022

I always think the 12th day is Epiphany, but if you start counting on Christmas the 12th day is the 5th. I take down the decorations on Ephiphany (if it is at all feasible), but I started early (today) this year. I undecorated our snowman tree. My mom liked snowmen (well, really, who doesn’t like snowmen?) and collected many snowman ornaments. During the last several years of her life, she put almost only snowmen on her tree – a few special others – but mostly snowmen. I claimed both her small tree and her snowmen ornaments and we now enjoy a second tree of snowmen in our family room.

Every year I consider leaving it up for January – we have ample snow to feel snowman-y – but I then decide I would rather put it away while I still like seeing it than when I am thinking…oooh, I gotta get that put away.

So, good-bye snowmen in the house.