He came back!

I really expected him to come back, but it was very exciting anyway.

Keith went to Austin, Texas, for work at the crack of dawn on Tuesday. I took this picture as he got Lyfted away. He was going for planning meetings and to actually meet the people he will be working with. There was daytime working and then there were happy hours (lots of Coke Zero) followed by going to other places for meals. He is an oldie, so he went back to his hotel without going to the meals – stopping at a burger joint as he walked to his hotel the first night and using Door Dash to get one delivered the next night. He said it was 6 miles and he didn’t feel like walking. I said SIX MILES! Obviously, he couldn’t walk. He corrected me. Point six miles. Oh. He could have walked.

Last night, a local coworker was driving Keith and another out of towner to the best BBQ place. When they arrived, the line was literally around the block. Then went on to the second-best BBQ place – and the line was even longer. They ended up having burgers. Teehee.

He walked to the bridge of bats and waited a couple hours with a lot of other people. There is a bridge in Austin that is home to hundreds of thousands of bats and at sunset between March and November, they fly out to eat billions of mosquitos. Yay bats! I was VERY encouraging of waiting to see bats. Unfortunately, only a few bats came out and all of the people went home disappointed. Oh well.

It was nearly 100 degrees the whole time he was there. How nice for him to come home to…mmm…high of 54 tomorrow. It’s MAY. Weather is very weird. Darned global warming.

4 thoughts on “He came back!”

  1. On our first visit to Texas (Dallas), we took a lovely trolly ride. At the end we asked the driver for a recommendation for a great BBQ place because everyone should have a great BBQ experience in Texas. He recommended Dickies. 😜

  2. My Texas experience with barbecue involved a neighborhood where I wouldn’t be caught alone on a BET! The person who knew about this place went in and got the food, and we then drove away to consume it elsewhere. And it WAS INDEED amazing. Just glad Keith didn’t get hauled to any questionable locations…

    1. That reminds me of when we were on a road trip and the boys mapped out places from the Food Network show Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives at which to eat. We were in St. Louis in quite a questionable part of town (looking for macaroni and cheese restaurant, if I remember correctly) (Keith says it was called Sweetie Pie’s) and the boys were so nervous that they slid to the floor in the backseat. We found the restaurant, ate inside, and we were on our way with no problem. I will admit I was glad it was the middle of the day and not at night.

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