He would just buy candy

Sunday, October 30, 2022

I am thinking about going trick or treating tomorrow, because it is not going to be super cold out. What fun it would be to be out and not be hustling just to stay warm (I have a whole head mask and I am kinda short. I think I could pull it off. I think this EVERY year. I never go. But I want to. I believe some year I will do it). I think one year it was decent out…I feel like it was just Benjamin and I for the long haul…Alexander must have been little and gone back. I loooooove trick or treating.

The whole weekend was glorious. (My frequent thoughts about global warming kept intruding on my enjoyment. Darned global warming.) Keith and I went for a walk in the late afternoon and grabbed this picture of the house around the corner from us. We talked to the man who lives there and complimented him on his witch. He said he just bought it; he didn’t design it, so he shouldn’t get credit. I give him credit. That witch is flying!

We got worried about not having enough candy. Reality is, I was worried we wouldn’t have enough candy left over so I could have some. We had about 40 trick or treaters last year (I think?) and we have plenty of candy for that. I think. I get excited when they come and don’t want to be the person who is lame and gives them one thing, so I start throwing handfuls, and that is a problem on the running-out side of things.

So, we went to Sam’s Club. I was there mid-week and the candy situation was under control. At 5:30 on the day before Halloween, it was gone. We got not-Halloween candy – Airheads and Blowpops – because I can take those to school if they are leftover AND if we just give those out instead of the Kit Kats and Reese’s PBCs that we got before, I can eat the Kit Kats and the Reese’s PBCs. I do not like Airheads or Blowpops.

Our next scheduled stop was Cub Foods, because we were searching for special treats for our special friends. We needed Skittles and Sour Patch Kids in bigger sizes. As we drove, I suggested we go to Walgreens, because Walgreens is a good candy spot and because I wanted those orange and black peanut butter taffy deals. (I LOVE them) I don’t know if they even make them anymore, because I am the only one left that likes them (because my mom is gone), but I had to try.

They had none.

So, we shopped for Skittles and Sour dealies. And shopped. And shopped. Candy at Walgreens was very expensive. Stupid expensive, I thought. But we were there and it made sense to get it while we were there. Nine ounces for $5. What? Ew. Not even chocolate. But wait. Buy one, get one 40% off? Of course, Skittles and Sours didn’t both work for that deal. We went and looked at not-Halloween candy, to get better sizes. A bigger Skittles was $3.50 for 4 ounces. Well, that is stupid. Why buy that when I can get 9 oz for $5? Back to Halloween candy. What else to get? Hard to know. Maybe this. Seven ounces? That’s ridiculous. Back to regular. Yes, 7 ounces is fine. Get the sour dealies for $2.50. I hope those are good sour dealies.

We walked to the car and Keith said, “If you weren’t here, I would just have bought the Skittles and the Sour Patch Kids and I wouldn’t even have looked at the prices. I wouldn’t even have gotten a second thing for 40% off. I would have just come home.” I felt a shooting pain run through my body, but kept walking. I gave a very nervous laugh. “That is not possible,” I said. He assured me it wouldn’t have taken a moment’s thought – just get what he came for and check out. I asked if I could come along to the store some time and watch him. He said no, it would change it if I was there.

I’m going to get a disguise. (I could wear it trick or treating.)

5 thoughts on “He would just buy candy”

  1. Your+sister+Nancy

    If you find any of those orange and black peanut butter taffy things, buy lots. I am also your mom’s daughter, and I haven’t been able to find them for years. Happy Halloween!

  2. Apparently Keith is not a math lover like you and me.

    Tom and Keith would make very good contestants on Supermarket Sweep because they are both fast shoppers.

    1. It’s less an issue of math than of attention. More often than not, I simply won’t see the sale sign. My attention is on the items, not the price tags. I’m actually not a fast shopper, because I like to look at everything.

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