Heavy Blinking

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Happy King Charles III Coronation day!

I went to bed just before 10:30 last night, which is a solid hour or more before I usually go to bed, and set my alarm for 3:55am, which is almost exactly two hours before I usually get up. I figured it wouldn’t be hard to wake up and move to the couch to watch the coronation, knowing I could nap any time today.

Keith was very busy teaching me how to turn on the TV and how to change channels and all the things before we went to bed last night. It seemed pretty easy – push the on, push the side of the circle dealie that doesn’t look like buttons but really is four directional buttons, then go down using the down, then push the middle of the circle. I was surprised, then, to find him up and going down the stairs. He said he wanted to be with me. That is SO SWEET, and yet sorta makes him a lunatic. I am always here. He is always here. I was happy anyway.

At three minutes after four, he snored himself awake. “I was sleeping. Already.” I said it wasn’t that unreasonable. He re-woke up and was watching. It was easy to stay awake when sighing over the stupid things the American newscasters were saying – they couldn’t seem to make up their minds about whether they were billing this as the first coronation in 70 years (what a long reign Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II had!) or if it was just another in a long line of coronations. Obviously, it was both – but they got them tangled up in a single sentence and sounded like they had no idea what they were talking about. I read later that Anderson Cooper said George was nowhere to be seen – since he wasn’t with his brother and sister – even though he was literally on the screen, holding the King’s robe.

Why do they have to talk over the band all of the time? Parade commentators always talk over the band. Stop it.

We definitely had a better view than the people who were invited, because they could see absolutely nothing. There was a lot of music, which was great. One piece Keith recently played as a wedding recessional, so he was humming along. That lady holding the sword was great – so pretty and what a classy dress/hat. Keith said she had to look good because she had an important job and I said that doesn’t mean they always get it right. I wanted to see the Princess of Wales’ dress without her robes on.

Harry was there. Whatever. He’s a jerk.

Why was I so tired though? It was one less hour of sleep. I kept falling asleep when I blinked. Mostly just for tiny bits of time, but one time Keith had to wake me up. Then at the end, when I was waiting for them to come out onto the balcony – I was WAITING for it – and bam, blink, sleep, and there they already were.

I took an hour nap just after it was finished – one blink and I was out. I took another nap in the late afternoon – one blink and I was out. Saturdays are great.

The POTD is from our visit to the Royal Mews in 2016. They would’ve had to take the wall out to get this carriage out for the coronation.

5 thoughts on “Heavy Blinking”

  1. Your+sister+Nancy

    Good for you! PBS aired the BBC broadcast. I was rewatching the ABC broadcast later in the day, and the amount of time they talked over important bits and stunning music was painful. Did you know Charles I was beheaded in the Banqueting Hall? Let’s go to London!

    1. Let’s go to London!! That is a great idea!
      We watched CBS because that is what Keith found. I wish I would have looked more – BBC wouldn’t have been clueless. And probably wouldn’t have said, “Oh look at Harry. He is so lonely,” so many times!

  2. Interesting that Harry is the jerk. Hmmm. Think about his father a bit more. And his mother.

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