Home from Wales

According to our original plan, we should be home from Wales now. I would have completely forgotten about that plan, except my calendar reminded me of where I put credit cards that I wasn’t taking with me. It said, ‘credit cards are in the XXXX.’ (I’m not telling you, because safety! It would give away my good hiding place.) I wondered for a second what in the world that meant, then I remembered. We were supposed to just be getting home, and I would have thought my stuff had been stolen (no chance of remembering I moved them. None. So, I put it on my calendar. Smart me).

Wow. Our month is Wales was PERFECT. It was one of the very best things we have ever done. No regrets on any part of it. What if we had stayed? Would the excitement have waned? Would I have gotten bored? (doubtful) Would I be in a diabetic Cadbury coma? (likely) Impossible to know.

We wouldn’t have gone to Texas. I wouldn’t have gone to work. Keith wouldn’t have started a new job (yet). The house would be dustier.

It’s fun to think about might haves and could haves. It’s also really fun to remember we went to WALES. It seems like a really long time ago.

This picture was taken on the walk home on the day we discovered the outdoor laundromat. It’s really funny how looking at it just takes me back to that moment in time so vividly. I just scrolled through a lot of pictures (yet somehow knew exactly where to find that wet, sad doughnut in the road picture) and nothing I saw made me feel like I do looking at this picture. I couldn’t figure how to get it in that day’s recap, but I just love it, so I am using it as a memory of Wales picture today. I think it could be motivation for a short story writing competition. Feel free to write about it!

4 thoughts on “Home from Wales”

  1. So pleased we were able to see you again when you were in Wales. We have not seen the band in Aberystwyth since Keith’s appearance. What a fantastic day.

  2. Life is lived in the present – and few people do that better than the Thompsons! Memories (especially the good ones) can be had without living in the past, and they are a good thing (witness: today’s donut). The future is like gifts that haven’t been opened yet, and the only thing that can spoil those gifts is expectation. Being happy in the moment is the secret, and I wish I were as good at it as you two are.

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