
Friday, September 29, 2023

Today is homecoming and not just because we came home. I went to Woodbury high school today and found out it is their homecoming. EVERY student in my first, second, and third hours was wearing WHS wear! They were mostly 10th and 11th graders. I thought it was pretty great. I didn’t think kids had much school spirit these days and was happy to see the blue and white turn out.

I was subbing for ASL. When you do a daily sub for high school, no one expects you to be able to do any of the content (bonus if you do, I guess), so not knowing ASL was not a problem. I picked up the job because I thought it would be interesting to watch the kids. And I was right! The first three hours were ASL 2 and their assignment was to make a video of themselves signing 4 sentences. They spent a bit of time learning or checking signs, then sat on the floor in front of their chair and signed to their Chromebooks. Once upon a time ago, I knew Signed Exact English – an entirely different language from ASL. There are some common signs, so I enjoyed trying to pick out what the kids were signing (without creepily staring at them). I realized I REALLY do not remember much SEE anymore – the things you forget over 40 years really do add up.

There was a petfest (Benjamin actually [I think] believed they said there was a petfest the first time he encountered this rally of fun. He asked what a petfest was. We have called them that ever since) at the end of the day, so I got to leave a bit early, which made the day even better. As I was checking out in the office, I saw the drumline assembling for a march through the halls right before the end of the last class. I’m not gonna lie – any kind of marching band is a thrill to me. I practically skipped my way out of the building.

And then I took a big nap.

2 thoughts on “Homecoming!”

  1. Brilliant ASL teacher, making their assignment a video! It would be really tricky, but somebody should try that for a math class. I’ll bet it *was* fun to watch. Nice to know about the school spirit, too. Too bad it always has to be focused around sports. I dream of a parade through the halls to celebrate the robotics team, science lab, or even English classes. There could probably be a sports tie-in. I remember a high school football game from Jerry’s public school teaching days where 3-4 high school kids sat behind us making up highly literate cheers. My favorite was, “Pursue them! Pursue them! Force them into ā blunder!”

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