Monday, August 22, 2022
You’d think the picture of the day would be what I would write about, but I don’t have a cruise picture, because I am not on a cruise. I could just get a cruise picture. I will. I will go look for a cruise picture.
Now you don’t even know what picture I was not talking about. Poof. It’s gone.
So, this POTD was taken in 2016 while I was on a fall colors cruise with my mom and my sister. I am so glad we went on that cruise. It’s very nice to look back on that time we spent with my mom. Also, the cruise was very nice.
Since we postponed the Alaska trip, we have some spare vacation time out there. Obviously, I cannot let that happen. We talked a LOT about where we could go – checked all the dates and miraculously found a week at the beginning of October that has NOTHING on it. No rehearsals, no concerts, no shows, no dentist appointment, nothing. Woooohoooo.
We planned a road trip to the Duesenberg Museum in IN, then Mammoth Cave, then Dollywood and Great Smokey Mt Nat’l park, then NASA place in AL, then Civil Rights museum in Memphis, then Hot Springs, AR, and American Jazz museum in KS. Ten days and 2000 miles.
Made you tired just reading it, didn’t it? Not me! I get excited just reading all those names.
Then, in the middle of the night, I thought, what about a cruise? Keith has some free money sitting at Princess cruises from a canceled cruise at the beginning of pandemic. It needs to be used by April, or it’s gone. I checked The perfect cruise at the perfect time. The same New England cruise that I did, but Keith didn’t. It’s perfect because it isn’t swimming/beaching oriented (not Keith’s thing) and it leaves on the exact date we can go. He was totally on board (OH! I didn’t even mean to do that! Win) when I suggested it.
We asked our really good friends if they might want to try going on their first cruise and to go with us – and they are thinking that they will. Nothing is firmed up yet, but I am hoping so hard and so excited that I had to share. Fingers crossed!
So, this is the picture you didn’t see. It is me, cooking. I got out of the pool and we made dinner together, which is my favorite way to make dinner. Except when Keith just makes dinner. Then that is better. He said something funny (cutting up meat isn’t intrinsically funny).

All this talk of cruises……. it’s no good we need to return to the cruising world. Great idea ….I’m going to plan our next cruise for 2023…..
We’ll go with you!!!
Excellent! Where are we going?