I feel so much better today. I feel like me. Yay!
Maren came with the kids (and two friends) to swim today. The two friends made it a happy foursome that played in the pool for hours while Maren and I sat in comfy chairs in the shade and talked about all the things. I said to Keith that it was just a perfect day and he asked what we had talked about.
Absolutely no idea. Books. Vacations. Kids. Coworkers. Everything and nothing, which is what made it so great.
Then we convertibled to brass band rehearsal. You know when you see people in a convertible they just look happy? That’s us. It’s just so great.
Just before we got to Red Wing, on the Wisconsin side of the Mississippi River, there is a bar with a boat dock onto the river. I had never seen it before the last time we came down to Red Wing. It is Mr. Sippi. I can NOT think of a better name. In all of the years I have lived so very close to the big river, I have NEVER thought of it as Mrs. Sippi – so Mr. Sippi on the Mississippi is just the most clever, best name ever.
Keith absolutely rocked rehearsal tonight. He is obviously getting way better, too! Yay! I brought something to read while I listened, but I just sat and smiled at him instead. They played an ABBA medley and he danced in his seat. I laughed a lot.

When we got home, we cooked hash browns (I say that like it is totally normal and has been done before. Nope and nope) (Oh my goodness, that reminds me of one time when I was a kid, my sister and I went to bowling with our parents on Saturday night. We came home with the other people from the team and they cooked BREAKFAST! People cooking in the middle of the night! It was magical. I did not know anything at all happened after 9pm) (okay, I am figuring out RIGHT THIS MINUTE that we went along because the older brothers and sister must have been gone. We had no one to babysit us. Fifty years and I am figuring out now they didn’t just think it would be fun to take us along. My mind is blown!) and watched more Blown Away. It’s down to four contestants – ahhh who will win?! I want them all to win.
Brilliant, love the idea of a Mr and Mrs Sippi.
Pleased you are both finally feeling so much better.
I just laughed and laughed when I saw it. I can’t believe I have never thought of it before.
It is so amazing how much better you feel when you finally feel better!
If they’re successful, maybe there’ll be a chain of Baby Sippi’s.😊