Monday, December 9, 2024
Today I subbed for a special ed teacher who team teaches one hour with the math teacher I subbed for Friday. I’m in that class today, and the regular teacher is talking about the assignment from Friday, and what they need to have shown for work before they can turn it in. I commented that maybe they had a really lame sub who didn’t give them proper directions. She agreed that that could have happened, and offered to hear complaints about Friday’s sub. Everyone smiled except one kid in the back. “She was mean to me!”
The math teacher responded, “I bet she made you responsible for what you were doing.”
He tried again, “Nope, she was plain old mean to me for no reason.”
I jumped in. “Dave, you were absent on Friday.”
“Was I?”
I confirmed.
“Oh. I was here. I mean I wasn’t here here, but I was here.”
It is just always fun in math.
I got texts from my sisters, who seemed to be out and about having a time. They sent a great picture of the PIX theater – one of two movie theaters in our hometown while we were growing up. (The other was the Park) (I wonder if it was the PARK) The PIX is now home to the Waukesha Civic theater, which is great.
Keith and I decided to go Christmas shopping after work. First we went to that sandwich place that I can’t remember the name of that isn’t Jersey Mike’s but has spicy relish (I remember now: Potbelly). We ate inside instead of take-out, which was weird and fun. Then we went to the movie theater, scouting a picture for the theme today. Once in the door, the popcorn smell got me! We had literally just finished eating and I wanted popcorn. We got some and I started eating like it was the last food on Earth. As I set the bucket down by the napkins, I swiveled my body so the concessionaires couldn’t see me because I was stuffing popcorn in so fast it was ridiculous. My brain said, “STOP IT. You are being silly.” My hand and mouth did not slow in any way. This is why you eat popcorn at the movies – it is dark and no one notices you being ridiculous. A guy came out to stock napkins and sweep up (I had dropped several popcorns, not gonna lie), so I was forced to move on.
We went to Kohl’s. I had an idea of something for a present. We picked it out. But if we spent a little more, we would get Kohl’s bucks (or whatever they are called). I really need some new bras, and even though a Christmas shopping trip with your husband is not the A-1 time for bra shopping, I went for it. First round of try-ons was just…just…bad. Florescent lights…not-fitting-in-any-way bras…bad. I tried again. First one – success! Next one – fall down laughing. Third one – good enough. Fourth one – what was I thinking? Fifth one – didn’t even bother at that point. Sixth one – nooooo. I handed Keith the two wins while I put the others back and told him to add everything up and multiply by .7, to make sure we were getting to our goal after our coupon. He said $39.
“Those cost $39.” (I had pulled from the clearance rack)
“I know. What is the total? Is it enough?”
“What? Is that enough? Did you times it by .7?” (I really talk to kids a lot about math)
Blank stare.
“Did you multiply by .7 to see if we hit $100 after the coupon?”
“Yes. It is enough.”
I perused Christmas hand towels while he checked out. We shivered to the car (what is it with this weather, and wind? It is going to be 9 on Wednesday. Ew). I asked, “Did you get $20 Kohl’s bucks?”
“I don’t know.”
He checked. No. He got $10. I checked the receipt. The gift item, which had a sign near it that said these things are tickets price + coupon available was on sale. Huh. Bargain – $10 off. Bummer – spending $2 more and we would have gotten $10 more in Kohl’s bucks. He said it didn’t matter, we could come back and buy something small and they would add it all together and give us the $10.
That’s how Kohl’s bucks work. (Oh, Kohl’s Cash! I just remembered.) We were pulling out of our spot when he said this and I said then why aren’t we going in and getting a hand towel for free? It is $10. When are we coming back? We haven’t been here since last year.
We reparked. We got the hand towel. We got the $10. We can go back and spent $20 on something next week. Shopping is so exciting.
It’s time for our holly, jolly participation in the POTD! The theme of day ten is cookies! Send me a picture of or inspired by cookies – text or email – or [email protected] by 10pm December 10 and it will be in that day’s blog. If you want to remain anonymous, let me know – otherwise I will give you credit. You don’t have to play every day – any day or every day is fine! We will count down the days to Christmas together!
Today’s movie inspired pictures are from Kristine, Donna and Nancy, Barbara and Jerry, Louise, Keith, and me.

I’m so very happy when 30% off is calculated by multiplying by 0.7. 👍👍
I’m more of a divide by 1.(428571) ̅ guy