Wednesday, August 16, 2023
Today was a working day for Keith. The rest of us got up for early entry to the Magic Kingdom. We started with Space Mountain, then went on the Astro Orbiter. Let’s face it- it takes forever to get on the astro orbiter and you’re never going to ride it if you don’t go to it during some special time.
Keith finished up his morning meetings and was able to come and meet us to go on Tron about 1pm, then we all went back for a nap and some swimming (except Keith who got to do more working).

Wait times were just terribly long, so we were not in a hurry to get back to the park. We had dinner at the hotel. We got a few rides in in the evening, amidst rain showers. There were extra hours for resort guests, so we got to get on some things between 10:00 and midnight.
Keith and I got off Pirates of the Caribbean at exactly midnight. When we walked through Pirate plaza we were completely alone. That is my favorite time at Disney World. It feels so magical.

Of course, I couldn’t pass by the Tiki gods without a little playing in the mist.

A very, very long time ago I walked down Main Street holding Benjamin and Alexander’s hands. We got almost to the train station and I said, “that is my very favorite thing to do.” Benjamin looked at me and said, “Then let’s do it again.” And we walked back up to the castle and walked back down Main Street. I sent him a text tonight and said he wasn’t there to walk up and down Main Street with me and he said, “I’ll pretend. I’ll hum some Hello Dolly music and skip a little bit.” I imagine he did. Yay. 🙂
We were walking toward the monorail and I saw a sign that said resort launches. Mmmm. We ended up on a boat home. I loved it. Back at the resort we got to walk along the path lit by tiki torches. More yay.

Doing it again – how wonderful!