I love a plan

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

We went to see the estate planning lawyer today. He is a really fun guy to talk to. We talked estate planning (as planned) and we talked about travel. He said he had five couples in in the past week who are retired and don’t know what to do with their time or their money. He said one wife said she wants to see the world and her husband said he is going to fix up the garage and never leave home again. (Mmmm, sadness for them!) I said we’d been to about 40 countries and I’ve been to all 50 states. Steve, the lawyer, said, “Tell me more.” And off we went on a delightful conversation. He is participating in a charity trip (the only way to get there) to Cuba in 2025 and asked if we wanted in. We said YES. I bet it happens!

He also has a candy corner in his office. He has purple tootsie rolls! Who even knew they existed!? Amazing.

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