Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Keith and I went to vote today. I wore my Harris Walz shirt, because I had to, but I saw the sign when we went in that said I wasn’t allowed to wear it. I considered that before I went, so I had a jacket on that I quickly zipped up. We had to fill out a form to have our registration to vote verified, which we have never done before. I was so careful, because it is too important to mess anything up. While I was actually filling in the ovals on the ballot, you would have thought I was doing restoration on the Mona Lisa I was so carefully marking – and not letting any other marks get on the ballot.
The whole thing felt creepy, to be honest. ALL of the people working were SO pleasant and helpful. No one could tell that I had on an illegal shirt. I think we all have been thinking a lot about what if he wins. He so readily admits he wants unfettered power and somehow that is not causing his side to freak out. I don’t know if they don’t know about history or if they do not care. I keep thinking about the steps that lead to Hitler’s power – how the other candidate mirrors them in a frightening way. Where will we go if he wins? Anyway, voting felt SO IMPORTANT and what if it’s not enough?
Ooof. So many scary thoughts right before bedtime.
I went to work this afternoon. Thirty-one students is A LOT of fourth graders. You can hardly move in the classroom with all those triangle tables squished together. They had fabric bags on the backs of their chairs to hold all their stuff. They were all really nice, but, ooof, thirty-one is soooo many.
We went to the Phipps tonight to see a silent Sherlock Holmes movie from 1916 with live organ accompaniment. No score came with the movie, the organist needs to create it. The organist said he was using parts of songs written by over 50 composers during that era. WOW. Think of the time it would take to find all of those songs to put in at the right time to make a soundtrack. Watching a movie with the MN orchestra playing the soundtrack is terrific, but this was even more impressive. The movie was pretty entertaining and sooo interesting to see what they did in 1916, but there was plenty of time to just listen to the organ and be entertained by what the organist had chosen to go with different things on the screen.