It Got Cold

Saturday, October 28, 2023

I’ve been saying, “This might be the last nice day ’til June,” for a month (I think). Today, it got cold. We went to JoAnn crafty store last night and I heard one of the clerks complaining to a woman checking out (whom she seemed to know) that everyone in Woodbury came to the store tonight. I wanted to tell her it was because it was suddenly going to be cold (29 degrees when I woke up) and people were thinking about crafting and holidays and buying glitter. (That last bit might have just been me.)

Anyway, I thought of some crafty things I wanted to do and Keith came along to lay in supplies. It is good when he comes along, because I am never really sure what it is that I am going to make and he helps hone in on it while I wave my arms and make little sense in trying to describe it. We spent an hour picking out a pen. Turned out not to be the right pen.

So, today we needed to go to Michaels to get the (hopefully) right pen. He had a rehearsal in River Falls and said they would be playing Christmas music, so I got up, got my crafts ready, and went along. Michaels is on the way home from Wisconsin. I guess everything in Woodbury is on the way home from Wisconsin.

It was GREAT. I was bundled up against the new cold, so it just felt crisp and nice instead of awful. The band started with a killer Auld Lang Syne and it continued to be really fun to listen to the whole rehearsal. I sat at a card table and cut out pieces of craftiness and listened to music and it was a perfect morning.

We secured the RIGHT pen (it is so good) (and glitter!) (I have no glitter needs, but I will find some) and I crafted a bit. I took a shower in the late afternoon and confirmed that a hot shower (or hot tub visit) will make my blood sugar go crazy high and my blood pressure go stupid low (90/48) (it was 158/84 when I got up. It does not behave). So, I will just be dirty now.

We went to see the play The Pavillion tonight. A play – not a musical. I love a play. I fell asleep (VERY BRIEFLY) several times during the first act (WHAT?!) and had to have a bit of Coke Zero during intermission. What was that about? Blood not circulating? Maybe. Anyway, it was about a high school couple meeting up at their 20th class reunion. It was funny and sad and very well done. There were only three cast members (and an onstage guitar player for sound effects and ambient music) – the couple and another guy who played everyone else. Every single other person at the reunion. He was terrific – it was a great way to have it set at the reunion without cluttering things up. I can’t imagine how the script is written out for him to know how to act for each person – especially when they are talking to each other.