It is a bird

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

I was sitting in a blue chair for a while, talking on the phone, when I realized there was a bird sitting just outside the window, looking at me. I looked at him for a pretty long time. I took this not so good picture of him, then I tried to sneak closer to get a better picture. No surprise – he was not having any of that and left immediately. I sat there for a little while longer, sincerely thinking he might just come back.

4 thoughts on “It is a bird”

  1. Oooooo…. that looks like a “mussed up” female cardinal… Discovery to share with everybody – we have happened upon an app that’s simply called “Merlin.” It’s from the Cornell University ornithology department (and it’s free). It will listen to bird songs and will then not only tell you what bird (or birds – it does multiple birds all at once) is singing, but also show you a picture of it. It’s very handy if you like birds. We’re really having fun with it.

  2. I found photo of a juvenile female cardinal that looked a lot like this, and a source that says cardinals can lower their crests. Until that little bout of googling, I didn’t know that, nor did I realize how few small birds have orange beaks. Thanks for the fun facts of the day!

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