And it did! I was thrilled and delighted. Everything is so dry.
Donna and Michael came last night, and when I came down this morning, Donna was out looking at flowers, enjoying her morning tea. It started sprinkling, so we sat under cover by the hot tub. Michael joined us. It started to rain harder. Eventually, Keith woke up (after his best night’s sleep in a month) (he’s getting so better!) and found us. He said we were hard to find. All the cars were present, but no people. It rained for a while – yay! – and then it stopped. It was supposed to rain all day. But it didn’t.

We went in the pool. We stayed in the pool all day. I discovered the rocket is fun even if you are not small. When Donna and I came in, the boys were sleeping and it was 6pm.

We cooked fajitas. We drank wine the neighbors made that they gave us for having a cul de sac party. Seems like it was a perfect day.