It’ll melt

Monday, October 30, 2023

Last year we got our first snow on October 14, so this doesn’t seem early. It’s still coming down and I’m not sad I am not working tomorrow. The roads are supposed to be a mess in the morning. The job I had for today cancelled last week, and I looked all weekend for something I wanted to do. There weren’t very many choices, and none were good for me, so I went to bed knowing I had the day off. I woke up 5am when the blood sugar dealie screamed at us (weird–too low again) and checked for jobs. Literally none. I got back to sleep and when I woke up again at 7:30, there were 11. I wasn’t interested in any of them, and I never know what to do with the “the job already started, do you still want me to come?” part. At 8:10 I got a notice that a friend’s co-teacher in a high-needs program was out, so I got up, showered, called and said, “the job already started, do you still want me to come?”, and went to work.

Within the first 15 minutes one of the students grabbed at me. I turned so my glasses were out of reach only to find out that my hair was really the target. I am VERY lucky that it does not hurt to pull my hair, because quite a handful of it got pulled out by the roots. I was stuck for 3-4 minutes while my friend got the student to release me. Learning, learning, learning. I didn’t get caught again.

We made a cassoulet for dinner, because we watched new Frasier the other night and he was making a cassoulet instead of chili for the firemen. Whatever is good enough for Frasier is good enough for us. We liked it. I’ve got some ingredients on hand, and I am going to make it again tomorrow for the freezer.

2 thoughts on “It’ll melt”

  1. Yikes! I’m glad you got better at evasive maneuvers, but I’m sorry you needed them. High needs is right!

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