Jeeves in Bloom

Friday, April 12, 2024

We had tickets to see the play Jeeves in Bloom at the Phipps tonight. Music friends were sitting right in front of us, so that was an extra treat. The show was silly, but the main characters were done so beautifully you couldn’t help but laugh at all the right places.

I had a great day at work today. The office manager at Lake Middle School (where I sub for my favorite-to-sub-for-teacher in math) (eighth grade) recommended me to another math teacher (sixth grade) and she texted a month ago and asked me to sub for her. When the alarm went off this morning, I wasn’t too excited to get up…but I did. I had a bit of a new experience when I got there. The teacher had left me her slides for the day, with no direction beyond their existence. A person whom I have never met trusted me to teach her class. I thought it was really cool. We were learning about the area of triangles and trapezoids, so it wasn’t rocket science, but still. Autonomy! (ish) The very BEST subbing days are when I get to disseminate information (teeeeaching!). Kids know when you are doing fluff with them and they know they all can screw around because they aren’t going to miss anything. They also know when you are actually doing the work and they realize they need to pay attention – and they do. I had such fun, not having to deal with any behavior issues – just doing math – having kids ask questions – having people say it made sense. YAY!

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